
Justina Asafu-Adjaye is an experienced school leader with lived experience of disability/neurodiversity who delivers positive outcomes around SEND, Inclusion, Intersectionality and school improvement.
With over 30 years experience working with children, young people and families, Justina has a wealth of experience supporting in the field of Early Years, Special Educational Needs, Primary and Secondary Education.
A previous Headteacher of a Special Provision for 11-16 year olds with SEND needs who are facing educational crises, a SEND Consultant, a SENDCo, a Lecturer and experienced Teacher.
Justina Asafu-Adjaye has supported 100s of children and young people to access the necessary assessment, support and provision in order to engage in education and meet their potential. Justina is passionate about inclusion and has developed significant experience of supporting organizations to develop their provision and practice to ensure no child is left behind.

EHC needs assessment

We work in partnership with schools, families and other professionals, supporting the journey through the Inclusion, SEND and EHCP process.

We aim to ensure, so far as is practicable, that children and young people have their needs met and can progress and flourish.

Based in London, UK we can also offer support throughout the United Kingdom and West Africa.

Please get in touch with queries.

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